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January 19th 2014

Typo3 6.x :: Configure Filelist | Filelinks (Dateilinks) to display the description instead of the filename

August 25th 2013

Typo3 :: Anpassen des BE (backends) - Deaktivieren von nicht benötigten Funktionen im PAGE TS

August 25th 2013

Typo3 auf Windows Server :: Datumsformat (date format) für Deutsche/Schweizerische Datumsausgabe konfigurieren

May 6th 2013

Typo3 Caching Grundlagen

April 27th 2013

Typo3 6.0 Performance-Optimierungen :: Konfigurieren des Error Reportings und Deaktivieren diverser Logging-Einstellungen, Aktivieren von Kompressionseinstellungen

February 27th 2013

Typo3 :: (copy 1) beim Kopieren von Inhaltselementen entfernen - Standardmässiges "verstecken" von kopierten Inhaltselementen verhindern

January 13th 2013

Typo3 :: Creating proper SEO links with the realurl AND tt_news extension

June 29th 2012

Typo3 :: Various problems with baseURL and multiple domains - Font styles not loaded properly - 404 Errors etc.

May 28th 2012

Zusätzliche Spalten im TYPO3-Backend verwenden (howto use additional columns in the TYPO3 backend)

May 20th 2012

Typo3 :: Image width is limited to 300px (600px in Typo3 Ver > 6.x) - Set custom max image width for content elements

May 16th 2012

Typo3 RTE: Add custom table design with zebra striped rows

May 15th 2012

Typo3 :: Enlarging the RTE windows in the TYPO3 backend

April 1st 2012

Typo3 remove the CMS version from the generator meta tag without touching the original source

March 31st 2012

Typo3 only allow SSL connections for backend (be) logins

March 29th 2012

Typo3 RealUrl extension with multiple domains and root IDs

March 16th 2012

Typo3 if conditional to choose a page template based on the content in specific column

March 15th 2012

Typo3 Inhalte einer Spalte vererben (inherit contents of a column)

March 7th 2012

Insert Google Analytics code in Typo3 root template using headerData

February 28th 2012

Typo3 :: Enable the page tab -Metadata- for modifying the meta tags -abstract- -keywords- and -description (edit metadata in Typo3)

February 27th 2012

Typo3 realurl plugin :: When using the page type -link to external url- the external URL (link) shall be shown (instead of the internal URL pointing to a virtual page)

January 30th 2012

Clear tt_news Cache for regular typo3 (non-admin) users

January 9th 2012

Typo3 does not display the proper/selected language in the backend after updating

January 9th 2012

Setup Typo3 >= 4.6 for UTF-8 charset usage / Enable UTF-8 on MySQL 5.x databases that are based on another charset (like latin1)

December 9th 2011

Joomla and Typo3 robots.txt default configuration

December 8th 2011

Optimizing web page response - compression - caching-gzip-deflate - header optimizations - MIME - htaccess - Typo3 - Joomla - Wordpress