Menü schliessen


August 19th 2013

Disable script execution for upload directories using htaccess to further secure your website (Joomla, Wordpress, Typo3)

May 14th 2013

Joomla 3 reports ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED when enabling the Cache plugin

August 14th 2012

Joomla :: modal.js - Error in Firefox when opening a modal window - message: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIDOMHTMLDivElement.contains]

August 10th 2012

Joomla :: Nivo Slider :: Remove height and width attributes to fulfill 100% HTML5 validity

July 13th 2012

Joomla :: Remove the h1 title "articles" for articles that are not linked with a menu - Entfernen des H1-Titels "Beiträge" bei Artikeln die in keinem Menü verlinkt sind -

May 29th 2012

Joomla :: Kontaktformular Bestätigungsnachricht (Versandbestätigung) konfigurieren

April 27th 2012

Joomla :: Get the current submenus' parent menu item name, the current page name and set a custom page title based on these informations

April 25th 2012

Joomla :: Set individual page title based on variable document information

December 9th 2011

Joomla and Typo3 robots.txt default configuration

December 8th 2011

Optimizing web page response - compression - caching-gzip-deflate - header optimizations - MIME - htaccess - Typo3 - Joomla - Wordpress

December 6th 2011

Joomla :: TinyMCE always adds border="0" to img tags

December 5th 2011

Joomla :: Language Switcher always shows all languages

December 5th 2011

Joomla shows HTML entity code in menu header instead of the special character