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Created: February 5th 2021
Last updated: April 8th 2021
Categories: Databases,  MySQL,  Wordpress
Author: Tim Fürer

WordPress: Basic installation with XAMPP

Tags:  guide,  PHPMyAdmin,  wordpress,  xampp
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In this post, I'll take you through the basic steps of setting up WordPress with XAMPP.

Downloading required Files

First, download WordPress and install XAMPP:

Download WordPress

Download XAMPP

Setting up XAMPP

Once you're done with the above steps, go into your XAMPP Installation-Folder and copy the WordPress-Folder you downloaded to the "htdocs" (default) directory. You may also rename the WordPress-Folder to anything you want.

Inside the XAMPP application, start up Apache and MySQL.

Now, click on the "Admin" button for MySQL. (Alternatively, you could also enter "localhost/phpmyadmin" into your browser.) This will open up PhpMyAdmin, a tool designed to administrate MySQL. It comes with the basic installation of XAMPP. This is their website, if you want to know more about it.

Head over to "Databases" and create a new one. Call it something along the lines of "db_websitename". "websitename" here is just what you called your WordPress-Folder.

Installing WordPress

Enter "localhost/websitename" into your browser.

You should now be on the WordPress-Setup page.

Select your prefered language.

Enter your Database-Information as seen in the picture.

Screenshot taken of WordPress installastion Screen

The user "root" does not have a set password on default, so you can leave that empty.

It will now ask you to fill in information such as "Website Title", "Username", "Password" etc.

Great, WordPress is now installed. Go ahead and log in with the username and password which you've entered before, it will take you to your WordPress-Dashboard.