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Created: May 14th 2013
Last updated: April 24th 2020
Categories: Joomla
Author: Marcus Fleuti

Joomla 3 reports ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED when enabling the Cache plugin

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The cause

When enabling the Cache plugin in Joomla 3.x it might report the error ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED and stop rendering pages.

The reason

The problem seems to be that the Cache plugin does not properly support GZIP compression - even if it's enabled by the server and enabled within .htaccess as described in this KB.

The solution

For now it seems as if there's only 1 solution to this: Disable GZIP-Compression:

  1. Goto System->Configuration->Server and GZIP-Compression to No

In case you cannot access the websites' backend anymore you can find this setting within the file /configuration.php. The option in this file can be set as following:

public $gzip = '0';