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Created: September 3rd 2021
Last updated: September 17th 2021
Categories: IT Knowledge
Author: Elzan Ajdari

SPOF = Single Point of Failure

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SPOF = Single Point of Failure

Single Point of Failure basically is meant for network connections. For example, in an office there are multiple devices, that are connected to a router, the router gives every device an internet connection. If the connection of the router gets lost, then the connection of the devices connected to the router also gets lost. Basically, that means Single Point of Failure. In that case the router is the Single Point of Failure.


Single Point Of Failure is always that device that if it goes down, every other device connected to the network looses the connection aswell.
If a Computer goes down, then all the other devices connection still stays.

Single Point of Failure can be avoided by making a redundancy, for example on a server.
If your Single Point of Failure is a server, the server needs redundant parts to avoid a failure.