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Created: September 10th 2021
Last updated: September 10th 2021
Categories: IT Development
Author: Marcus Fleuti

HOW TO: Create Pretty URLs with Laragon for your projects

Tags:  Apache,  Laragon,  nginx,  project,  url,  virtual host
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Pretty URLs

If you are developing multiple projects at the same time, it is pretty useful to have simple domains like project.test or It just simplifies your workflow.

Luckily Laragon provides us a feature called "Auto Virtual Hosts". Make sure that you have enabled this feature in order to get the pretty URLs to work. (as seen in the screenshot below). The field called "Hostname template" defines the structure for the domains which are generated later on. You can change this format by updating this field.

And now it gets really simple. Just put your project folder in the document root (e.g. C:/laragon/www) and click the reload button on the Laragon dashboard. After that you're gonna have a pretty URL. If your project folder is called "webshop" the URL would be "webshop.test".



More information

Each project has an own Virtual Host file which is located in:

